how to quit any bad habit

                         HOW TO QUIT ANY BAD HABIT

I would like to start my blog with "saying sow a thought you reap an action, sow an action, you reap a habit, sow habit you reap character sow character you reap a destiny".
how to give up bad habit it's difficult but not impossible below I will give a few tips which may help you overcome any bad habit.


"if you think you can do it or think you cannot do it you are right".it all starts with thinking.before you quit any bad habit you have to think and command your mind and soul that you can do's possible for you, although it will take time but it's possible you can do it.

2.cold turkey

if possible try to go cold turkey try to suddenly or quickly end your bad habit, not tomorrow, not day after is the perfect moment. start now, stop wishing start doing. will take time to heal

if you tried cold turkey and it didn't work out well for you.give yourself a specific date and commit yourself that from that day onwards you will quit any bad habit you have.give yourself time.try to lower the frequency or number of times you smoke or drink alcohol.

4.try to seek professional help

if all else fails try to seek professional help, believe you can di it and you are half reached


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