
Showing posts from April, 2020

the power of your subconscious mind

                                                                             POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND   SUMMARY power of your subconscious mind by dr.joseph murphy in this book the author tells us that we have one mind but dual nature i.e objective mind and subjective mind, waking mind and sleeping mind.conscious mind, subconscious mind, mind which reasons(it doesn't accept a fact without reasoning), mind without reason it just accepts fact without reasoning i.e its subconscious mind. the subconscious mind plays a great role in developing a pleasing personality and living a happy, successful life. our subconscious mind is like fertile soil and our thoughts are like seeds that are planted consciously or subconsciously.therefore choose your thoughts wisely, take charge of your thoughts. never say I cannot, or it's too hard or it's impossible. your subconscious mind can never take it as a joke as you command or think the subconscious mind w

the secret book summary

                                             THE SECRET BOOK SUMMARY                                                          The Secret book   the secret book is written by author Rhonda Byrne. knowing this secret can enrich our lives, it can add a positive impact on our can make us a better human being. great scientists like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and innovators like steve jobs have used this secret to reach their full potential. so what is this secret? the secret is LAW OF ATTRACTION whatever you think you will attract wherever your focus is it will get attracted to you the secret in three steps : ask, believe, receive 1. ask you have to believe that universe is like a genie whatever your wish is or whatever your goal is the universe or genie simply says your wish is my command so choose your goals wisely and properly write down your goals on  a paper, do your work and leave the rest to universe or genie 2. b

you can heal your life summary

YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE SUMMARY                                                                   You Can Heal Your Life you can heal your life by Louise hay. I have read this book almost 2-3 times it's an awesome book I can conclude it in 4 letters TLLF. T for thoughts Thoughts play an important role in our life. Think only good thoughts or positive ones. L for love yourself You need to accept yourself as you are Love yourself as you are irrespective of imperfections of yours. L for live in the present The only moment we have is now So live in the present moment Yesterday is over and gone Future is a mystery or not guaranteed The only gift we have is now. F for forgive yourself and others You may have hurt yourself or others may have hurt you but you need to forgive yourself and others for peace. Hope you like this blog Comment down your views