how to be more productive and time management skills

                      HOW TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE

after reading over 100 motivation articles, motivation hacks I will share with you some tips which you can use to boost your productivity
In one line, they are thoughts, words,abcde method, four quadrants of time management, push yourself, avoid procrastination, Pomodoro technique.


Thoughts are the creator of your destiny,
sow a thought you reap an action, sow action you reap a habit, sow habit you reap a character, sow character you reap a destiny.
So you can see it all began with a thought
If you think you can do it or think you cannot do it in both ways you are right
Your Thoughts play a very important role in your life.
With proper usage of mind and thought you can be your own best friend
With the wrong usage of thought or mind, you can become your own worst enemy.
So always think positive, think you can do it, think big, think nothing is impossible 
This will boost your productivity skills


Words are the doorways to your thoughts and soul.
Your words determine what you are thinking
In the above point, I told how important your thought is
So choose your words properly and wisely
Say challenge, opportunity instead of problems

3.,abcde method

This method I have used from the book eat that frog by Brian Tracy. This method is very important to boost your productivity and time management skills. A will include those tasks of higher priority and high or greater consequence you can also distribute your work like A .1, A .2,A.3 according to its priority and consequences after A comes B it will include the task of less priority and less consequence than After B comes C it will include the task of less priority and less consequence than B . And so on...

4.four quadrants of time management

This is taken from Stephen Covey's book 7 habits of highly effective people.
It can be used to boost your productivity skills and time management skills.
In first quadrants will come tasks of most important, most urgent
In second quadrants will come the task of most important less urgent
In third quadrants will come tasks of 
In fourth quadrants will come tasks of 
Less important, less urgent

5.push yourself

You need to push yourself to improve your productivity.
You need to regularly ask yourself am I improving? Am I giving my best effort? Am I changing with time? And so on
Do the best work today which you did excellence and perfection

6.avoid procrastination

In simple terms avoid postponing things
It's a bad habit that can literally defeat you and destroy you.
While postponing, think of the consequences you have to face if you didn't do that work

7.pomodoro techniques

This is one of the techniques used for boosting productivity skills and time management skills
You can do your work for 25 min with full focus and concentration and then take 5 minutes break
You can do your work for 50 minutes with full focus and concentration and then take 10 minutes break.

These are some of the tips which can boost your productivity and time management skills
Thank you

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