eat that frog summary


in this book "eat that frog" by brian Tracy the author tells us various tips to improve our time management skills.
Main concepts:
1.setting goals
2.ppppp formula
3.abcde method the ugly frog first taking one bite at a time

1.setting goals

the author tells us that setting goals play an important part in our life. we must have a specific definite goal.
we must have its plan of action made into lists.

proper prioritizing of tasks should be effectively done.

we must have a deadline by which we should achieve it

2,ppppp formula

ppppp stands for "prior planning prevents poor performance"

prior to execution, we must do planning effectively which can prevent poor performance

poor performance leads to poor results.

so we should do effective and proper prior planning

the author tells us that  before sleeping or after waking up daily we should plan our day well in advance

3.abcde method

the author tells us that  we should divide the task according to its priority and its consequences
A will include high priority task having a high or major consequence
it can be divided as A.1,A.2,A.3,A.4

B will include high priority but fewer consequences than  A. and so on... the ugly frog first taking one bite at a time.

if given choice of two tasks we must do a task of higher importance or tasks we tend to avoid
taking one bite i.e doing work separately one at a time


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