attitude is everything summary
attitude is everything is written by author jeff Keller
in this book attitude is everything the author jeff Keller tells us that our attitude towards anything plays important role in our life.there is a saying that says the problem is not the problem the problem is the attitude about the problem. any fact facing us is not important than our attitude towards it. if you don't like a thing change it if you cannot change it change your attitude towards it don't complain. your attitude is the window to the world, your attitude decides your altitude
how to have a positive attitude? are a living magnet.
you attract what you think, you attract where your focus is more you are a human magnet, so think only positive, focus only on positive
2.picture your way to success
visualize success, create a mental picture or movie where you are achieving your desired final outcome, think positive about the final outcome
3.make a commitment, you will move mountains
make a commitment and execute it, if you want to succeed in life make a commitment that no matter what happens you will think only positive except exceptions, you will do whatever it takes to succeed in life
4.turn your problem into opportunities
when life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade, turn your negatives into positives ask yourself what can I learn from this situation? what am I learning? your words
choose your words wisely and effectively your words define what you are thinking.choose to speak only empowering positive words
6.stop complaining
stop being negative, stop finding faults, stop complaining, instead try finding solutions, answers for the problems
7.associate with positive people
associate with only positive people, choose your friends wisely, choose people who motivate you, who push you to reach your goals
8.face your fears and grow
wherever your reward is it's on another side of fear so face your fear, stop feeding your weakness, stop getting afraid be brave because fortune favors the brave
9.get out there and fail
if you want to succeed double your failure rate, don't be afraid of failure don't be afraid of making mistakes as long as you are learning from your mistakes attitude can change your life
your attitude can literally change your life if you have a positive attitude towards life and towards life problems
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